Joseph Conrad


Agrégation - 2004-2005

By François Gallix

Works by Joseph Conrad

Almayer's Folly, 1895
An Outcast of the Island, 1896
"The Nigger of the Narcissus", 1897
Tales of Unrest , 1898 ("The Idiots", "Karain" (1897), "The Lagoon" (1897), "An Outpost of Progress", "The Return"
"Youth", 1898
"Heart of Darkness", 1899
Lord Jim, a Tale, 1900
Typhoon, 1902
Typhoon and Other Stories, 1903 ("Amy Foster", "Typhoon", "Tomorrow", "Falk"
Nostromo, A Tale of the Seaboard, 1904
The Secret Agent, A Simple Tale, 1907
A Set of Six, 1908 ("An Anarchist", "The Brute", "Gaspar Ruiz" (1906), "The Informer", "The Duel" (1908), "Il Conde"
Under Western Eyes, 1911
"Twixt Land and Sea, Tales, 1912 ("The Secret Sharer"(1910), "A Smile of Fortune", "Freya and the Seven Islands"
Chance, A Tale in Two Parts, 1913
Victory, An Island Tale, 1915
Within the Tales, 1915 ("The Partner", "The Inn of the Two Witches", "Because of the Dollars", "The Planter of Malata"
The Shadow Line, a Confession, 1917
The Arrow of Gold, a Story Between Two Notes, 1919
A Rescue : A Romance of the Shallows, 1920
The Rover, 1923
Suspense, a Napoleonic Novel (incomplet), 1925
Tales of Hearsay, 1925 ("The Black Mate", "Prince Roman", The Tale", "The Warrior's Soul")
Last Essays, 1926
The Sisters, 1928 (écrit en 1896), incomplet


One Day More, a Play in One Act, 1913 (adaptation de "To-Morrow")
The Secret Agent, Drama in Four Acts, 1921 (adaptation du roman)
Laughing Anne, a Play, 1923 (adaptation de "Because of the Dollars")

En collaboration avec Ford Maddox Ford
The Inheritors, an extravagant story, 1901
Romance, 1903
The Nature of Crime, 1924 (écrit en 1908)

Autobiographical works

The Mirror of the Sea, Memories and Impressions, 1906
A Personal Record (Some Reminiscences), 1908, 1912
Notes on Life and Letters, 1921
Lettres de Conrad Karl, Frederick et Laurence Davies ed. CUP, vol.2 période de Lord Jim, reproduite dans Norton (291-307)


Check the annexes of the Norton édition (247-504)

OUVRAGES du British Council disponibles à la bibliothèque de l’UFR d’anglais de Paris IV : En gras, livres essentiels comportant de longs passages sur Lord Jim.

* = inclus (dans l’édition Norton)

Ambrosini, Richard. Conrad’s Fiction as Critical Discourse. Cambridge: Cambridge

University Press, 1991. 253p.

Baines, Jocelyn. Joseph Conrad: A Critical Biography. 1960. Westport: Greenwood Press, 1975. 507p.

Batchelor, John. Lord Jim. London: Unwin Hyman, 1988. 241p.

Bohlmann, Otto. Conrad’s Existentialism. London: MacMillan, 1991. 234p.

Burden, Robert. Heart of Darkness. London: MacMillan, 1991. 90p.

Conrad, John. Joseph Conrad: Times Remembered. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1981. 218p.

Conrad, Joseph. Almayer’s Folly. 1895. London: Penguin Books, 1936. 256p.

Conrad, Joseph. Victory. 1915. New York: The Modern Library, 1921. 385p.

Cox, C. B., ed. Heart of Darkness, Nostromo and Under Western Eyes, A Casebook. London: MacMillan, 1981. 224p.

Darras, Jacques. Joseph Conrad and The West: Signs of Empire. 1982. London: MacMillan, 1986. 158p.

Davidson, Arnold E. Conrad’s Endings: A Study of the Five Major Novels. 1976. Ann Arbor: UMI Research Press, 1984. 124p.

Erdinast-Vulcan, Daphna *. Joseph Conrad and The Modern Temper. Oxford: Clarendon

Press, 1991. 218p.

Fothergill, Anthony. Heart of Darkness. Milton Keynes: Open University Press, 1989. 134p.

Gekoski, R. A. Conrad. The Moral World of the Novelist. London: Paul Elek, 1978. 208p.

Glassman, Peter J. Language and Being: Joseph Conrad and the Literature of Personality. New York-London: Columbia University Press, 1976. 286p.

Goonetilleke, D. C. R. A. Joseph Conrad: Beyond Culture and Background. London: MacMillan, 1990. 208p.

Hampson, Robert. Joseph Conrad: Betrayal and Identity. London: MacMillan, 1992. 326p.

Hunter, Alan. Joseph Conrad and the Ethics of Darwinism. London-Canberra: Croom Helm, 1983. 259p.

Ingram, Allan, ed. Joseph Conrad: Selected Literary Criticism and The Shadow-Line. London-New York: Methuen, 1986. 273p.

Jones, Susan. Conrad and Women. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1999. 252p.

Karl, Frederick R. Joseph Conrad: The Three Lives, A Biography. London: Faber and Faber, 1979. 1008p.

Land, Stephen K. Conrad and the Paradox of Plot. London: MacMillan, 1984. 311p.

Lester, John. Conrad and Religion. London: MacMillan Press, 1988. 196p.

Najder, Zdzislaw. Joseph Conrad: A Chronicle. Cambridge UP, 1983.

Najder, Zdzislaw. Conrad in Perspective. Essays on Art and Fidelity. CUP (1997), 2003.

Newhouse, Neville H. Joseph Conrad. 1966. London: Evans Brothers, 1971. 143p.

Page, Norman. A Conrad Companion. London: MacMillan, 1986. 185p.

Palmer, John A., ed. Twentieth Century Interpretations of The Nigger of the Narcissus.

Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1969. 122p.

Parry, Benita. Conrad and Imperialism: Ideological Boundaries and Visionary Frontiers.

London: MacMillan, 1983. 162p.

Raval, Suresh. The Art of Failure: Conrad’s Fiction. London: Allen & Unwin, 1986. 187p.

Rising, Catharine. Darkness At Heart: Fathers and Sons in Conrad. Westport: Greenwood

Press, 1990. 208p.

Schwarz, Daniel R. Conrad: Almayer’s Folly to Under Western Eyes. London: MacMillan,

1980. 230p.

Schwarz, Daniel R. Conrad: The Later Fiction. London: MacMillan, 1982. 171p.

Sherry, Norman. Conrad. 1972. London: Thames and Hudson, 1988. 128p

Sherry, Norman *. Conrad’s Western World. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1971.


Spittles, Brian. How to Study a Joseph Conrad Novel. London: MacMillan, 1990. 119p

Stape, J. H., ed. The Cambridge Companion to Joseph Conrad. Cambridge: Cambridge

University Press, 1996. 258p.

Tennant, Roger. Joseph Conrad. London: Sheldon Press, 1981. 276p.

Watt, Ian*.Conrad in the Nineteenth Century. London: Chatto & Windus, 1980. 375p. delayed decoding ( pp.175-179 et 270-72).

Watts, Cedric. Joseph Conrad. Plymouth: Northcote House, 1994. 67p.

Watts, Cedric. Joseph Conrad: A Literary Life. London: MacMillan, 1989. 156p.

Watts, C. T., ed. Joseph Conrad’s Letters to R. B. Cunninghame Graham. Cambridge:

Cambridge University Press, 1969. 222p.

Voir également

Gallix, François. Le Roman Britannique. Modernistes et postmodernes. Masson, 1995. (Conrad, 29-39).
Thèse de Myriam Pariente "Ecritures et Récriture de la marge et de l'exil dans l'œuvre de Joseph Conrad"2000.
Dossiers d'articles divers et ceux, sur Lord Jim extraits de L'Epoque Conradienne.


WORKS ON LORD JIM  published in 2003 for the competitive exams :

Lord Jim, éditions Ellipses, septembre 2003, ouvrage dirigé par François Gallix, préface de Sylvère Monod.

François Gallix.  Naissance d'un roman culte

Sylvère Monod.  Lord Jim  au coeur de l'oeuvre de Conrad

Claudine Lesage. Le travail de la forme romanesque

Zdzislaw Najder. Lord Jim: Myth, Chivalry, Tragedy

John H. Stape. The 'problem' of Patusan

Yann Tholoniat. From Mythology to Mythography

Fabienne Gaspari. The 'Ever-undiscovered Country'. Paysage et mémoire

Georges Letissier. Ethique et épistémologie

Yannick le Boulicaut. Jim ou le voyageur immobile

Todd K. Bender. Alienation and the Pattern of the Romance Quest

Myriam Pariente. Lord Jim ou le moi divisé

Joël Harel. Le thème de l'argent

John Crompton. Faith, Virtue and the conduct of Life. Englishness

Max Véga-Ritter. La Figure de l'altérité

Amar Acheraïou. Narrator-narratee Dynamics

Pénélope Sacks-Galey. L'Imparable relation d'objet

Mary Morzinski. No Secret agent

Chistophe Robin."I, who am speaking to you, once" Mémoire, ellipse et récit

Anne Luyat. Denouement or decisive moment? The Destiny of Jim


Lord Jim, Lecture d’une oeuvre éditions du temps, septembre 2003, ouvrage dirigé par Nathalie Martinière.
Lord Jim, Joseph Conrad. Méthode de l'épreuve, analyse de l'œuvre en anglais. Christine Vandame. Breal, 2003
Claude Maisonnat. Lord Jim CNED Armand Colin, 2003

F. Gallix, S. Monod ed.2004 Lord Jim Day at the Sorbonne. Mallard,
Conférence de Zdzislaw Najder ( Pologne) : "Lord Jim, the canon-boat lieutenant and
other French Connections".
Table ronde dirigée par Sylvère Monod (Paris III), avec Zdzislaw Najder (Pologne), J.H. Stape(Canada), Claudine Lesage (Amiens), Josiane Paccaud-Huguet (Lyon II)
Discussion avec la salle.



1919 Victory  (Le Secret du Bonheur), Maurice Tourneur

1925 Lord Jim, Victor Fleming

1936 The Secret Agent  (Sabotage) Alfred Hitchcock

1939 Heart of Darkness, projet d’Orson Welles

1965 Lord Jim, Richard Brooks, avec Peter O’Toole, James Mason

1976 Duel  ("The Duellists") Ridley Scott, avec Keith Caradine, Harvey Keitel, Albert Finney

1979 Apocalypse Now , Francis Ford Coppola ("Heart of Darkness"), avec Robert Duval, Marlon Brando, Harrison Ford

1991 Nostromo, projet interrompu par la mort de David Lean


Journals  :

Le Magazine Littéraire, mars 1992. Dossier Joseph Conrad. Claudine Lesage : "Chronologie",  Sylvère Monod : "Gide/Conrad" : histoire d’une amitié"

Europe, 1992. Sur Lord Jim, voir Georges Piroué : "Lord Jim. Sous l’Ombre du nuage". (narration) 37-42.


Web Sites

Société Conradienne Française : http: // et liens avec The Joseph Conrad Society (UK) et The Joseph Conrad Foundation (US)

Voir les photocopies d’articles disponibles à la bibliothèque de l’UFR.


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